Author: Johann Lombaard
Date: 2 January 2024
Virdus Cheatsheets
Interesting Facts
Water disinfection => UV consumes 10,000 to 20,000 times less energy than boiling
Ultraviolet (in general) = 10 to 400 nm
UV-C: disinfection, photolysis, advanced oxidation
What is it used for?
Disinfection – inactivation of microorganisms, such as bacteria and viruses.
Potable water treatment
Wastewater treatment
Ventilation ducts in hospitals and buildings
Photolysis – decomposition of micropollutants susceptible to ultraviolet light
Combined chlorine removal
Residual ozone removal
Destruction of natural organic material
Advanced oxidation – production of oxidative radicals that break down micropollutants
Destruction of pharmaceuticals
Destruction of pesticides
Destruction of endocrine disruptors
Destruction of persistent micropollutants
How is it used?
UV dose – each type requires its own typical UV dose which is measured in J/m2 and specifies how much UV light is used as a treatment.
UV-AOP (Advanced Oxidation) dose – 5,000 to 20,000 J/m2 in combination with 5 to 30 ppm H2O2.
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